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Our JOVEN Customer Service Centre provides:

Service & Repair

Joven service team are available to provide door-step service for our products. If your product is encountering any problems, just call our team of professionals today at our number 03-5162 6633 or email us at service@joven-electric.com

Where to Buy

Joven dealers are available nationwide at your convenience. Let us know your location and we will let you know the nearest available dealer that you can enquire or purchase from. Just fill in the form and we will get back to you.

Technical Enquiries

If you have any technical enquiries, our support centre service team are ready to provide you with any information you require.

Spare Parts & Parts Management

Our Support centre provides spare parts for products. Any products that are still available in store, spare parts will be available for replacement if any components are needed.

Product Enquiries

If you have any product enquiries, our support centre service team are ready to provide you with any information you require.

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